Google and yahoo are the biggest search engines used in the year 2020. The use of a search engine is so common today, by students, teachers, entrepreneurs, businessmen, even kids. This engine has opened a whole new world filled with all sorts of knowledge.

What is a Search Engine?

Search engines allow users to search the internet with the use of keywords. These keywords when entered on any search engine, a search engine result page (SERP) comes up with a lot of pages having those keywords. The ranking of those pages, the order with which they are displayed on the SERP is another story.

Every search engine has its algorithm for producing relevant search results and determining their ranking. This algorithm is changed occasionally as well to display relevant and high-quality results.

How do Search Engines Work?

Search Engines aim to understand how the internet surfers search and how to provide them with the best relevant answers to their queries.

The following are the steps that most search engines use to work:

  1. Crawling: Crawling is a process of discovery used by the search engines in which these engines send out tiny robots, called crawlers to find out new, high quality, relevant, and updated content.

  2. Indexing: All the information and content that is received from the crawling discovery process, is stored in an Index, Index are huge data centers, where the data is organized relevant to your keyword search which then is displayed in your search result.

  3. Ranking: The process of sorting the relevant and high-quality content from the pages collected in indexing is called ranking. Different search engines use different algorithms to rank the most relevant data to the user. The algorithm is a unique equation that is used to calculate the value of a site according to the searched keyword.